Ignorance is Bliss
20 May 2017
“He's turning into that bloke Fitz in Catford” someone overheard about me the other day. If anyone bothered to watch ‘I, Daniel Blake’, that is what my life has become through no fault of my own. And it’s not a nice place to be. It’s like being an outcast. I am ashamed and so should you all be. This is how we treat people in our society today. 
I have to say looking back at the last blog I was a bit harsh. But seeing as they don’t read it who cares what they think. I always used to live my life in the fast lane, just like you going to work coming home getting pissed watching episode after episode of the latest thing everyone else is watching so there something to twit about on twitter. I used to buy the latest ‘phones when they arrived on the shelf.
As I've mentioned before I have a bloody nice camera and take a bloody good photo if I do say so myself. I love my two cats Eduardo (named after watching Family Guy at college many years ago.) That’s right, the shouty man went to college. I studied as well. I met a bunch of lads who still after all these years make time to say hello and read the blog. They have families of their own now and I am proud of everyone of them.
Back then it was a time of Ketamine and clubbing at the weekends, hours sat in front of computer screens making music and sharing ideas. We all learnt different skills from each other and share the same stupid sense of humour. Family Guy and Spaced were the order of the day and a line from it has stayed with me to the this day. "I shall call him Eduardo".
So let me introduce the boys.  Wood, Mya, Blode, Dooby, Boh, Roony, Chester and of course the Bretmiester. We each had favourite sayings and ridiculous nick names. I was known as the Sloth. Back then we all had one thing in common. Computers. And learnt things we never knew you could do. Back then there was a computer program called Sound Forge and Acid Pro4 which opened up a whole new world to me.
I used to DJ from an early age, and to be able to see the music instead of just listening became once again addictive. Not only that but to be able to sample and mix using encoded vinyl meant that instead of carrying boxes of CDs and records around with you it meant that back then you could stick your tower under the Technics 1200 and play all the MP3 files as a piece of plastic. Or records as we used to call them.
I have learnt how to downsize and make it easy. Simple stupid. You should be getting used to that phrase by now. I mentioned yesterday about the admins on Facebook and how free speech is taken away. The admin of a certain webpage used to work for - you’ve guessed it - Lewisham Council) is adamant that all the rules be adhered to on the page. Nothing political - lend a dog, that kind of thing, is as perfectly acceptable as are pictures of breakfast, children's activities and pilates classes.  Although don’t go over the top with comedy or cat photos which, for somebody sat at home with a disability, can be a lifeline to the outside world, as this does cause offence, or could it be jealousy?
Eduardo became famous and would often get 150 likes. Just for looking stupid. The smiley faces would roll in and I got blocked. Fast forward a year later because I was making the effort to get out and smile and teach others how to make things easier for the olds.  I went back on there a couple of days ago and, guess what, it’s happened again.
The internet is another addiction. Once you’re drawn into its evil web you’re hooked. But all you see is snippets of what's there. As you flick from one page to the next, if it doesn’t take your attention in the next few seconds, it’s off to look at pictures of shoes. Once again someone tried to put up a piece of satire and the admin jumps in “oh that’s political you can’t say that”. I made the comment “So it’s acceptable to advertise your political views in your profile picture eh?” That’s all, I did say the word political, that must be it.
As I said this man is the admin for a page called I Love SE4. I happen to live in that postcode and I do actually care. Once you get to know me I'm a big cuddly bear, someone said to me this morning, as their dog chased Eddy down the road.  All I want to do is pass some of this knowledge I have onto others. These people are the problem. They think they know stuff and they do but it’s in the past.  They have made things so difficult to understand they have scared people away. And those are the ones that need computers the most but they only find out when it’s too late.
They never learn about Siri or Cortana. They might see an advert on TV about them but they don’t understand them. “Just another fad that will disappear” is what they think but they thought the same about Windows computers and here we are today.
So today is going to be the last day of the Book of Face. I am going to put messages up and whoever answers what is said gets to keep me as a friend. If you don’t it’s no great loss to me, I have more important things on my mind. And one day when you’re old you'll understand.
One more thing to say. I started this blog because I am ashamed of the way society treats disabled people and the elderly I want to try and help them, and I am an outcast in my local community because of it. “Shit, here comes shouty man”. Well sorry you feel that way. I'm not mad I am trying to make life easier for all of us. I need help and you turn your backs.
People around here are kind and some are genuine and I understand we are just neighbours. But when you can't understand something and you want to be genuine take time to learn and maybe you will understand that one day you are going to be where we are invisible in the local community, sat wrapped in quilts watching Bargain Hunt and EastEnders.
So back to naming and shaming and I am truly sorry it’s come to this but you asked for it. The admin I speak of nothing political about that Ian. The sad part about all this is he is disabled. I am doing this for you and you think you know everything when in actual fact you are part of the problem. So you sit there all day policing your page. You are addicted to it now not me. Facebook has become just like everything else in today’s society of online addiction.
What about the people left behind?

I have spent the past couple of weeks banging on about how bad the system is, and if you make things simple it becomes easy. I have said that one day you will all be old as well. But I haven't really told you how. So here goes.
Instead of lining up pensioners once or twice a week on old machines and getting in volunteers to show them, sorry scare them, with the amount of outdated knowledge they have to use to do something simple, use modern up-to-date technology instead.
Take the Amazon Echo, for instance. Place that in a room with internet and the world becomes a hell of a lot easier because all they have to do is talk to it. It plays music. It sends messages. You can write emails by telling it what you want it to say. It can read audio books. It can tell you when the next bus is coming... The list is quite astonishing, and it’s cheaper than any iPad or computer.
But one of the biggest mistakes is showing an old person things like Facebook. I am not knocking it if used correctly, but unfortunately it does become addictive and isolates people. And if you’re not careful they become too attached. The joy of this is there is no screen. You just say what you want and it does it. 
There is a whole world out there full of wonderful things. Modern technology can be used to enhance people’s lives and create wonderful friendships. I cannot tell you the joy I get when someone gets it and says hold on a minute that’s a bloody good idea. And that’s just one thing you can do. If they have a laptop plug it into the TV, to make that tiny screen that strains granny’s eyes ten times bigger. Close the laptop and use a wireless mouse. Making things easier to understand with less confusion.
I am amazed at how quickly people get used to these things but unfortunately the old people running things just don’t get it at all. What have the old and disabled got to look forward too? Bed baths and bingo - that’s what's on offer - people lined up in chairs watching a TV with the sound blasting.
See there's another trick. Right there on the back of every TV there is a headphone socket. Buy a lead and plug it into your hi-fi - everything in stereo - and you will love the quality. It’s the best thing in the world to see the joy on someone’s face when you set things up properly. Don’t make life more difficult for them. I know it’s hard to change things but if one of you tries it I promise you will recommend things like this to others. You are as bad, unless you take an interest, you have no idea about broadband speeds or LAN cables or HDMI but if you learn how easy it is it will change not only an older person’s life but yours as well.
I leave you with this. Did you know that Windows 10 has anti-virus software built-in? So if your still paying every year - Suckers! Not so stupid now. If you agree and know anyone who is disabled or old don’t you think it would be great to let them know? 


Sean Ryan
98 Brockley Grove London SE4 1EQ 
07482 988 316


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