Defenition of Society

 I know everyone is a bit busy at the moment trying to bring Jeremy Corbyn down and worrying about Brexit but I am more concerned at the way the most affected by austerity. The disabled. are being treated. This was written a couple of years ago and nothing has changed, I'm still extending loans every month to survive and not lose things I hold dear to me. Food banks are now so overstretched they are finding it hard to cope. and sanctions and assessments are destroying peoples lives and putting them on the street.

The Tory Government is systematically killing off the sick and disabled, conning the British public into believing it’s saving money when in reality it is wasting millions of pounds every week.
I read this morning about a woman whose benefits have been stopped because her husband missed an appointment. It was a genuine mistake, but the DWP in its wisdom decided that she must go and look for work, sending her a P45.
Now, this lady (her name is Julie) is severely brain damaged, she is a tetraplegic, due to hypoxic brain damage and is completely dependent on the care provided by her husband Vince and others. She has since had her benefits reinstated but still has to go for yet another assessment to prove yet again she is unfit for work.
Julie, unfortunately, is not an isolated case the whole system is wrong but nobody seems to know how to fix it. Figures are manipulated to make the government look good on the news, any criticism is edited out and doesn’t make it off the editors’ screens.
Laws are changed behind our backs to benefit the rich, last night being no exception. Take a look at the new sanction rules voted in by a parliamentary select committee which come into force next month. Lower level sanctions, including missing an appointment first offence - 4 weeks with no money. Do it twice and its 13 weeks.
The Tories say this is not a problem, because Hardship Loans (maximum £42/week) will be available to people sanctioned. This creates more problems. Not only are you left to starve when benefits are reinstated, but you are also then paying back the loan, leaving you with less money again. I have had to pawn everything of any value to survive but this then puts you into another trap. Most of the money I get after paying bills goes on extending loans in the hope that one day I can get my stuff back. This has a massive effect when it comes to mental health. Everything I enjoy doing has been taken away and I can see no end in sight. My camera, My phone and all my stuff locked away and out of reach for now.
Housing benefit has just been capped all around the country taking yet more money, in my case nearly £60 a month. My benefits were stopped back in May and I am still waiting, not only for help but any decision from the DWP.
I will, of course, be turned down again and have to go through the whole appeal process again. I cannot tell you how hard it is being disabled. I cannot explain the symptoms or pain. All I can say it is made worse by the constant worry both financially and mentally.
Back in 2014, they passed another law which stated that people with long term progressive conditions shouldn’t have to be re-assessed every three years. Sadly that law is ignored and we are forced to survive on food banks and what’s left of the money we are left with.
To save 6.6 million pounds the Government decided it would be a great idea to cut spending by choosing to do this. Last year they spent £40,000,000 going to court to appeals. 65% of those appeals were overturned and the money stopped backdated and paid to the disabled person who had been put through months of pain and heartache, suicidal thoughts, depression and starvation, all unnecessary but faced by thousands of disabled people up and down the country.
I hate being Mr Angry but when you see the reports and read the stories it’s hard not to be. “Permanent degenerative” means just that. One of the so-called trained medical professionals last week asked a man with Parkinson's when he expects to get better.
Trained medical professionals carrying out assessments that reduce the care of the severely disabled stripping them of benefits put in place to pay for carers and to help with the costs of getting to and from the many pointless appointments, just to save a few quid.
The sanction mentality is deeply embedded in a corrupt failing system proven to be target led by a non-caring government.
Personally, I am sick of it all, the waiting cut off from the rest of the world because you cannot afford to do anything. Stuck in the same place 24/7 doesn’t do you any good. Last weekend was great got out and took loads of photos and had a great although knackering time this week its back to reality trying to wade through mountains of paperwork, and you guessed it, arguing with the Department Without Principals (DWP). Months of frustration, anger, disappointment and feelings of utter bewilderment at the disgusting way our fellow human beings are forced to impose such draconian measures on the weakest in today’s society.
Have a great week don’t let the B@#tards get you down and smile at something it makes a huge difference to the way you feel.
Sean Ryan


Pablob said…
Hi Sean

Like you, feeling SO frustrated at our seeming inability to actually DO something to help ourselves. It drives me nuts that the Government can continue to get away with the way they're treating us. They shout and make a fuss about 'Ethnic cleansing' abroad, and yet are basically on the verge of doing the same thing to people like you and me. Would love to know your full story, and in case it hasn't registered, I'm Judi from Paula's Disability and Benefits Support page on Facebook.
SeanRyan7 said…
Hi Judi,

Thank you for the comment. Most of my story is in my blogs although there's a book in my head somewhere. I am currently sat here waiting for an appointment with the disabled forum to help me fill out the esa50 again for the third time. Life is pretty grim at the moment but I find having a laugh every day helps.
Uncle Flynn said…
Judi, could you give a link for the group? My daughter is disabled and is due to be moved to universal credit early next year, so I'd like to find out a bit more about what really happens.
SeanRyan7 said…
Hi uncle Flynn the group is called disa

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