Burdens of society
Its no great secret Conservatives think all disabled people are a burden on society, They have proved time and time again they don't want us around. The corona virus to them is just another excuse to kill more of us, while the rest of the country is getting help. All face to face assessments and help has been suspended. The disabled are left to snuggle on. over 100 MP's have asked the government to address this issue, only to be bombarded with the same old excuses. people having to claim universal credit for the first time are given an extra £20 a week to see them through the epidemic. Something I see as a ploy to make people think, this government cares about them. well let me tell you no they don't. As I write this buses are packed, tubes full up as people return to work. Brainwashed by the media and this government into believing its safe to do so. Every day we see stories of how badly this government are doing. Its all about the pound signs to them. Big business are being bailed out hand over fist, with many small businesses left to snuggle. As long as Tories are getting their share dividend's thats ok. The chancellor is saying right now on the news we are heading for yet another recession. Guess who's going to suffer the most because of it.